
Radiology Training in Europe

Radiology Training in Europe - current EAR recommendations for radiology education

Parts of the Directive:
Foreword by the president of EAR, prof. H. Ringertza MD, PhD 

1. The role of the radiologist

2. Guideline for continuing medical education (CME) of the EAR (European Association of Radiology) and the radiological section of the UEMS (Union Européenne des Medicins Specialistes)

3. Guidelines for training in radiological subspecialties

4.  Basic knowledge for specialization in general radiology.

5. Requirements for teaching workplaces of general radiology in Europe

6. Supplement to the EAR Guidelines for Teaching in General Radiology. 

7.  Recommendations for training programs in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of training.

8. Syllabus for the course "Diagnostic imaging - physical and biological aspects" for doctors preparing to specialize in radiology

9. Undergraduate education in radiology in Europe. Analysis of the current situation and recommendations for radiology education at medical schools in Europe.

10. Radiation protection in the basic education of medical students.

Available documents:

Radiology Training in Europe Klinická rádiológia
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